Enhance Safety Integrity With Asset Owner Assets

Enhance Safety Integrity With Asset Owner Assets

Enhance Safety Integrity With Asset Owner Assets


Having a safe, healthy and productive work environment is our top priority. We seek to keep a hard-working atmosphere that also allows our highly qualified work Teams feel integrated. 

We focus on creating a work culture with a clear aim –minimizing workplace accidents. Therefore, we commit to identifying and managing any risks associated with our usual tasks, field activities and we also work on the implementation and continuous improvement of an effective Safety and Health system. Due to our high degree of interaction with Clients and other agents in our daily activities, we think it is essential to keep adequate communication channels open, and maintain maximum collaboration with all of our workers, contractors and customers.

Our business and reputation depend on all of this. Consequently, we put all our efforts into keeping to the highest standards in all aspects, with the aim to position ourselves as a reliable and safe company. 

Integrated quality, safety, health and environmental (SHEQ) Policy [Download]


Thus, our services stand out among the competition, and our commitment to being environmentally friendly is present and all our activities and action policy.

All of this is guaranteed by our ISO 9001 , ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 certifications, which accredit our satisfactory quality, safe and safety and environmental management systems.

QMS-UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015
Environmental Management System UNE-EN- ISO14001:2015.

Our technical competitiveness and professionalism are recognized, certified under the ISO 17025 and ISO 17020 certifications. 

They vouch for our competence as Manufacturing, Field Services, Test Laboratory and Inspection Entity. ​

As Inspection Entity according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17020.

As Test Laboratory according to UNE-EN-ISO/IEC 17025.  

GASCO has all the necessary tools to offer satisfactory services efficiently, ensuring high quality, and pursuing continuous improvement in all processes, while keeping environmentally friendly policies.  

Sustainability Policy [Download]

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